Monday, February 16, 2009

I used to think the person I looked at in the mirror was another version of myself living in another universe. The mirror was just a window into the world of my alternate self. I mean, I was probably ten at the time, but the feeling of more than just myself in that mirror made me feel infinite. It was a sense of mystery, a sense of comfort, that somewhere else; there was someone else like me, exactly like me. Now, I know it's just a piece of glass, a reflection of the person I’ve grown up to be. Although I'm glad there's no one else exactly like myself, I wish I were a different individual. These thoughts constantly cloud my mind as I lay in my bed. Insomnia sweeps in, I can't relax. All I can do is try to settle my unstable mind... full of racing thoughts, ideas, and imaginary situations. Once I finally fall asleep, what seems like a minute later, morning sneaks in, tapping at my shoulder, waking me from my dreams. I always dream. I dream so much that I sometimes mix reality with my dreams. It’s almost as if I never went to sleep. The mornings kill me. I always want to stay in bed until the last possible moment before my classes, which I feel are worthless. That’s a completely different story all together.

I'm sick of feeling like a conformist in this world. College life seems like a waste of my money (my parents’ money) and time. The only reason I'm here is because it's necessary for my career status in the future. Spending tens of thousands of dollars a year to be taught by mediocre grad students that have horrible grammar and obnoxious teaching methods just seems like a joke to me. It’s just plain old trickery. It’s the government tricking the country into thinking these classes help to build what is viewed as the “perfect” future. This country is so messed up. Society controls the timeline of our lives. It controls every inch of our being, our ideas of intelligence, money, relationships, and even beauty.

To be "beautiful," you must weigh one hundred pounds, be an unhealthy shade of tan, and have an ideally shaped face and body. I hate how skewed beauty is. No wonder the divorce rate is 50%. People are unhappy with great personalities and healthy bodies... Nothing is ever good enough because media has shoved celebrities with eating disorders and drug problems on the covers of every magazine... and on top of that, they're all photo-shopped to "perfection." People are so unhappy with their bodies that they feel the need to alter themselves with plastic surgery and treat their bodies as if they are flexible enough to not eat for weeks. Being unique isn't precious anymore; it's scorned. The ways of the world have swallowed morals and identities all together. God's creations are viewed as ugly, unappreciated figures that should do all that they can to be thin, eye-catching, and unified into a species of monotonous idealization. Everyone feels they aren't good enough, beautiful enough, fake enough, but in reality, no one is smart enough to realize that loving the person you were created to be is the real beauty. Why do you want to be like someone else? Someone who is obviously unhappy with their own body and needs drugs and bulimia to feel beautiful?

The statistics of eating disorders, plastic surgery, and pornography have sky-rocketed in the past fifty years, only to leave every truly beautiful person feeling empty and alone. These walls of sin and worthless media block every relationship and no one is doing anything to change it! Constant failed relationships and unhappiness with the self has lead to the suicide of identity. What ever happened to simplicity being the ultimate sophistication?

Society complicates individuality by making it seem worthless. The importance of individuals is basically invisible, leaving this country only to keep spiraling downward. The geniuses will never know their true potential because they are too worried about their outer shell. Their appearance within this world is all that matters. The open-minded are dwindling, leaving this world in a bubble of lies. It’s as if society wants to suck people in so that they can’t think for themselves. Magazines, Music, Movies, Television, video games, and internet sites keep minds from thinking freely. Time is no longer more precious than entertainment. People waste away time they could take to change this sinful and empty world only to fill their brains with worthless entertainment.

God is no longer the almighty because society believes to be above it. They want Godly power and they will do whatever they can to contain it. People idolize celebrities instead of our creator without even realizing that they are in the wrong. Celebrities are paid more than our teachers, more than our doctors, more than anyone else in the country. What does that tell us? Media rules it all. Society has made appearance and entertainment the center of our lifestyle. No morals are taught through these meaningless societal norms. Love is no longer special; it’s just something that happens over and over again through a life. Divorce is expected. Sex is no longer sacred. Where has hope gone? Where is the faith in true love and being an individual? Teens lose their virginity every year to people they believe they love because of media and society’s bull shit. If people focused on the truth, that things can actually be special in life, we’d be able to save ourselves for an individual worth saving it for. We’re ruining our purposes by giving every single part of ourselves away without love, without thought! It’s unfair to us that realize what we’ve done after it’s already too late. Depression stems from these things that are meant to be special, but are ripped from us because we don’t know any better. Why do you think people are so unhappy? I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that these things aren’t meant to be special. What is the point of marriage if love and sex are no longer sacred? How can people be in love and give themselves away over and over and then decide, “this is the one!” It doesn’t make much sense to me. I don’t want to fall in love five times and have multiple sexual partners and then decide to get married. I want to dedicate my entire being to that person and have them dedicate their entire self to me as well… and yes, I mean respecting me even before they meet me by not faking love and sex with another. I want to do the same. I want marriage to be special, not only in itself, but between my husband and myself. A husband should view his wife as the most beautiful person in the world, not letting society define beauty otherwise. I want to feel like the most beautiful person in the world because of this. I don’t want to constantly be compared to celebrities, porn stars, and every other societal ideal of beauty. I don’t want to constantly compare my other half to the idealistic hotness of a male. If it felt all right, I wouldn’t be ranting, but it doesn’t. How can it be right for a person to fantasize about others while claiming to dedicate him or herself to their soul mate? Society has messed up everything. No longer is the individual appreciated. Spouses can no longer look into the eyes of their other without a wall of secrets and judgments. How can this world be saved?


Ashley said...

wow i love the way you right
and i completely agree with just about everything you said. it is so true, so sad. society has messed up everything.

C.S. Perry said...

Well...I'm glad that someone your age has the wits to see these things.
I hope you mean it and it makes me feel a little better reading this.
Our world is gone terribly awry and there's not much we can do to fix it...except what we think is Right.
Stick to your guns.
I just hope you make it without getting too jaded.

Mike said...

I feel like I've read this before, it seems so familiar.

It's really not just this country, and even if it was, we are society. It takes a middle schooler to know how fucked up the world is, and life in general. I don't think that people necessarily believe themselves to be above God, I just think the concept and idea behind God is becoming too mythological for some people to take seriously anymore. It might not be that people think they're better than any creator of themselves, I think it just stopped making sense to a lot of people a while ago.

The media has always skewed our viewpoints on ideal beauty, it was just easier in the past to ignore it. Our lives are so saturated with media and advertisements, it's now a requirement to develop media literacy skills in order to control the effects of the media on oneself.

I find it kind of funny that a lot of people, including myself, have a very difficult time coming up with potential solutions to these problems, but yet it's really us that's responsible for these horrible things. No one forced humans to behave this way.

In my personal opinion, I don't think we've evolved at all as a species, mentally. Physically, we've definitely had our fair share of adaptations, but mentally and emotionally, I feel like we're just now slowly drifting away from Neanderthal mentality. We haven't drifted too far, either, but I think it's happening.

The only thing I think we, as consumers, can do is let the clocks run, unfortunately. Time has a strange way of healing things. =) I hope one day we can talk about this stuff face-to-face. My viewpoints on these topics change and alter constantly.

Claggie said...

This post is over a year old, actually. I just posted it on here so that I'd have it. I didn't realize how much has changed in my mind since this... but I guess it's cool to see the difference in how negative I was and how much I've changed... whatever. A lot of things I still agree with, but some I do now.

Puzzle Piece Frenzy said...

The evil in every human heart is essential to understanding life, and for a potential awakening. It is there because billions of years of minutely small possibilities added up in this destined way.

"Mike" says Time heals all, however, time also doesn't heal all, since time is infinitely approaching all in the first place.

Society will never heal itself so long as we fuel technology on the rampant evil side of humanity.

The only way change will happen soon enough (At least for planet earth's life sustainability) is if there is a massive human population decrease, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

...this reads like an A-Ron Kahn post. Neither a good nor bad thing.

Hayley Hamilton said...

Agreed, completely.
I share alot of your same views, especially the ones about sex, love, and marriage. It sickens me with the way girls are giving themselves away worthlessley, and they keep getting younger and younger.

Everything you said, I couldn't agree with more. Nicely written.

YaklDakl said...

"Everyone feels they aren't good enough, beautiful enough, fake enough, but in reality, no one is smart enough to realize that loving the person you were created to be is the real beauty."

you are how old? You are extremely insightful.

College, you do not need it except for the experience. You will only learn from college that you think on a higher level than those trying to teach you. You need to publish a book of your writings.